There is only one path

“Though the road's been rocky it sure feels good to me.” - Bob Marley

I've never been much of a runner. That was something that my dad was a fan of. When I was younger he used to wake me up on Saturday mornings and give me a pair of his old bright yellow US Marines short shorts and 10 minutes to stretch, then we'd be off.

The first few minutes never go as expected but you find a rhythm. After 2 miles you will start to hear a voice in your head. It says "You can't go anymore” “Quit" "Why are you doing this?" "Who are you doing this for?" Answering these voices of doubt, insecurity and fear were mandatory to complete the run. I had to make the decision that I wasn’t going to quit and trust myself through the process.

Now all these years later I look back, understanding these I’ve answered these questions throughout my journey – only without the bright yellow shorts – and will continue to as I progress. I’ve stumbled, been injured and unfocused at times but I’ve yet to quit or given into the temptation of running someone else’s path. I’ve decided there is only one path for me… my own.

As you run your journey I challenge you to ask yourself those same questions and find the answer that will push you further towards your goals. You only have to take one step at a time.

- 10 Years Will It Matter